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Adult's books

Scottish Island Bagging

Compiled by Helen and Paul Webster, guidebook authors and founders of the popular Walkhighlands website, this is a guide to the magical islands of Scotland. Focusing on the ninety-five islands that have regular trips or means of access for visitors, plus forty-two other islands which have no regular transport but are still of significant size or interest, it describes the best ways to experience each one. Many are household names – Skye, Lewis, Bute – while some, such as the isolated St Kilda archipelago and the remote Sula Sgeir, will be unknown to all but a hardcore few. Features photography by Paul who was the 2018 Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year.

  • Author: Webster, Helen & Paul
  • Publisher: Vertebrate Publishing
  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Date: 03/10/2019
  • ISBN: 9781912560301
  • B-Code: B046838
  • Illustrated: colour photos & maps throughout
  • Pages: 256
  • Dimensions: 229x178mm

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